Pipe Block Meerschaum

Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color

Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color
Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color
Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color
Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color
Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color
Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color
Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color

Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color    Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color

Exquisitely colored block Meerschaum pipe Handmade in turkey carved basket weave. This pipe verifies the quality of its meerschaum by its wonderful coloring and light weight.

The stem is in top shape as is the rest of the pipe. Ycould spend years of smoking trying to obtain this color without finding whether you're lucky enough to have your pipe made of a piece of meerschaum that could ever achieve this warm bejeweled hue. Your continued smoking will only add to that.

Previously, I predominantly smoked briars. But I've long set aside my Castellos, Dunhils and Savinellis and have moved from briar to the tremendous advantages of high-end block meerschaum pipes. They smoke cooler, dryer, and can be smoked back to back all day without rest.

They don't ghost giving you the availability to smoke multiple tobacco's from the same pipe.

Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color    Block Meerschaum Pipe Basket weave great color